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AI-Powered Services— Better for SMBs Than Software or Hiring?

September 24, 2024
Vera - AI-Powered Services— Better for SMBs Than Software or Hiring?

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Is there a  smarter way to manage the daily grind of running a business?

You’ve likely heard about AI — now used in software and being developed into AI agents, but what about AI-powered services?

Imagine automating those time-consuming tasks that hold your business back from real growth.In this article, we’ll dive into AI-powered services like Vera, explore how they differ from AI software and agents, and help you decide when it’s time to hire AI over additional staff.

TL;DR: Discover AI-powered services. Learn how they differ from AI agents and software, when to choose them over staff, and see how one in action—like Vera.

Administrative tasks are necessary, but they eat valuable time and distract your focus away from more important things like growth and customers.

The good news is that AI has moved beyond being a buzzword and into tangible business solutions, and AI-powered services like Vera can now handle these tasks for you.

Understanding AI-Powered Services

When it comes to choosing something for your business, there's a big difference between AI-enabled software, AI agents, and AI-powered services.

Let's break it down:

  • AI-enabled software: This extends your team's capacity by improving efficiency and automating parts of workflows. Think of it as a productivity booster. While the software speeds up certain tasks, it still relies on human input. It's a tool that assists, but the ultimate responsibility for the task remains with the user.
  • AI agents: These are more advanced. They don't just assist—they make decisions and take actions based on the data they process. AI agents operate with more autonomy than software. However, they usually work within a defined scope, performing specific tasks that fall within particular parameters.
  • AI-powered services: These services act more like fully integrated team members than tools. Vera falls into this category. Unlike software that boosts productivity, AI-powered services are outcome-driven—they handle entire tasks from start to finish with minimal human oversight. They deliver tangible results— like sending reminders, managing invoices, or completing compliance tasks—almost immediately after setup. It's like hiring a virtual admin assistant who needs no training and can work 24/7, reducing the operational burden from day one.

Can AI handle everything for you? Not yet.
Will it in the future? Possibly—but it's important to remember that not all AI is created equal.

So while AI-enabled software supports your team by improving how they work, AI-powered services actually do the work for you, delivering ready-to-use outcomes with minimal intervention. Let's examine how an AI-powered service like Vera works in practice.

Vera at a Glance

Vera is an AI-powered service designed to automate the repetitive, admin-heavy back-office tasks that SMBs often struggle with or prefer to avoid.

It’s natural to procrastinate on tasks you’d rather avoid—it’s human. But delaying action on unpaid invoices, government notices, or timely filings can have serious consequences. Let’s breakdown how Vera can help:

  • Vera manages your email: As your Email Action Manager, Vera scans your inbox for important obligations and prioritizes actions that need immediate attention. With an overwhelming to-do list, it's challenging to distinguish between urgent tasks (like government-related matters) and those that can wait. Vera ensures that nothing critical falls through the cracks.
  • Vera chases your invoices: As your Invoice Manager, Vera ensures you never miss an invoice again. It automates payment date tracking, sends reminders to customers, and improves your cash flow by ensuring timely payments.
  • Vera manages your Government Business Regulations: As your Government Obligations Manager, Vera simplifies critical compliance. Using your business information and Federal and State regulations, it provides a tailored checklist of everything relevant to your business, including government filing deadlines. And, it proactively alerts you about upcoming requirements—such as when to file—to make sure that everything is done well in advance.

A simple way of thinking about it is that you can hire an AI service to manage your business's back office as effectively as a top-tier admin or ops person—without the costs associated with finding, hiring, and training them.

AI cannot replace people—it complements them by taking on tedious tasks, freeing them to focus on more critical work.

While an AI service can't fully replace a human colleague, it complements them by handling repetitive, low-value tasks, allowing employees to focus on more important work. As a founder, these services provide a way to achieve results without burning out your team. This frees up your staff for the complex, creative, and strategic work that truly drives business growth.

How To Choose

When it comes to managing your back-office operations, how can you decide when to opt for a traditional admin team or embrace AI-powered solutions like Vera?

If you feel there are enough specific admin tasks to offload, or you want help managing end-to-end processes in the future, you could consider AI. It's crucial to choose an AI agent or service with a simple, flexible setup that easily integrates into your existing business operations.

For instance, with Vera, you simply connect it to your existing systems—such as accounting platforms or email—and it takes care of the rest. It's ready to go from day one.

Let's look at both scenarios:

Benefits of AI Admin Services (like Vera):

  • Scalability: AI-powered admins handle a large volume of tasks—such as sorting emails, tracking invoices, and completing forms—at a fraction of the cost of multiple admin staff. They grow seamlessly with your business, whether you're expanding from 10 to 100 employees.
  • 24/7 Operation: Unlike people who need breaks and time off from repetitive, boring tasks, AI-powered admins power through paperwork around the clock.
  • Consistent Compliance: AI can automatically track regulatory deadlines and compliance requirements. Because it's automated, it flags changes and can proactively alert you when something affects your business. It also tracks your specific due dates and proactively reminds you of upcoming obligations to make sure nothing crucial slips through the cracks.
  • Cost Efficiency: The choice between bursting budgets or burning out staff is a constant balancing act. With an AI service, overhead costs can stay stable or get significantly reduced.

AI can handle routine tasks to free people to focus on what truly matters—strategic thinking, creativity, and critical analysis. These uniquely human skills are irreplaceable.

Benefits of Traditional Admin Teams:

  • Human Decision-Making: While AI-powered services excel at routine tasks, complex decisions—like nuanced contract negotiations—still need human insight and judgment.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Traditional teams excel at building personal relationships with customers, understanding cultural nuances, and making decisions in unpredictable situations. This isn't just where humans dominate; it's also where many talented individuals find fulfillment. AI should complement rather than replace these roles.


AI-powered services like Vera do more than just boost productivity—they handle entire tasks from start to finish, delivering real outcomes with minimal oversight. It's like having a virtual admin that works 24/7, managing everything from invoicing to compliance, without the need for training.

While AI-enabled software supports your team, Vera actually does the work for you, reducing your operational burden and allowing you to focus on growth.Vera and human teams aren't competitors—they're complementary. By automating routine tasks with AI, your team can focus on high-value, strategic work that builds relationships and drives business growth.

This means that administrative work never slows down your progress, and your team can avoid burnout. Looking ahead, it's even possible that the entire back office could be automated.

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