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Cutting Admin Costs: How SMBs Can Save Thousands in Overhead

September 18, 2024
Vera - Cutting Admin Costs: How SMBs Can Save Thousands in Overhead

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What if admin work wasn’t an expensive, inevitable part of running your business?

Running a small business is no small task; your team is constantly balancing priorities—trying to grow while managing the operational headaches that come with scaling. One of the biggest drains on your time, resources (and mood)?

One small word with an even smaller popularity rating: admin.

However, the good news is that AI services can help SMBs save thousands of dollars by automating repetitive tasks, freeing up teams to focus on more interesting and impactful work. And, for the owners and senior operators of SMBs—minimize the costly administrative overhead.

TL;DR: Discover how AI-powered services like Vera offer a cost-effective way to delegate work, boosting your bottom line and driving business growth.

Three Hidden Costs of Admin

Before getting into the benefits of AI, let’s define the hidden costs that many SMBs overlook when managing admin tasks manually. Because you might think that spending time on admin is just the cost of doing business so let’s break down what those costs really look like:

1. Your Time

As you probably know already, admin tasks can frustratingly quickly eat up an entire workday. Whether it’s handling invoices, managing data entry, or staying on top of government filings, these jobs are important but hugely time-consuming. They also distract you from higher-value activities like strategizing for growth, engaging with customers, and developing products. According to some estimates, SMBs can spend up to 120 days a year on admin work. That’s almost one-third of the year dedicated solely to paperwork and routine tasks.

2. Your Talent

As your business grows, so do your administrative obligations. Your way to manage that is often means to hire additional employees or outsource the work—both of which significantly increase your overhead costs. Beyond the salaries, there’s also the cost of training, setting up benefits and of course - the most time intensive - managing a new team. But even then, human admin work is prone to inefficiencies and errors, which can further drive up costs when things need to be corrected or redone.

3. Missed Opportunities

Perhaps the biggest hidden cost of all is the opportunity cost. The more time and money your team spends on admin tasks, the less time and energy is available for scaling, improving products, or expanding into new markets.

Take this example —A startup founder we spoke to last month shared how their team was spending more time sorting through piles of government notices than nurturing new customer relationships. “We realized that every week, I was losing nearly half my time to regulatory admin— it was literally costing us growth.”

SMBs waste up to 120 days a year on admin. The real question: what are you missing out on while buried in paperwork?

Four Ways AI Services Help SMBs Scale

How AI Admin Services Save Money

AI-powered admin services can make a difference in a more significant way than software or hiring. Rather than hiring additional staff or struggling to manage mounting admin work, you can delegate these tasks to AI.

Services like Vera aim to help founders, COOs, Chiefs of Staff—anyone responsible for getting things done— reclaim time and cut costs, to automate up to 95% of their back-office tasks.

Services like Vera aim to automate up to 95% of back-office tasks.

1. Reduce payroll by reducing staff need

Hiring full-time employees to handle admin tasks can be expensive. The costs of salaries, benefits, and onboarding quickly add up so for many SMBs, hiring more staff isn’t possible. A global average predicted that human talent requirements to address admin cost $46,000 per company.

So if your business can’t afford that, what are your alternatives?

We asked early customers what they tried before Vera:

  • Founder DIY: Many founders attacked the admin themselves which led to burnout and pulled their focus away from strategy and growth.
  • Outsourcing to Offshore Virtual Assistants: Some tried low-cost virtual EAs which were successful for simple tasks like travel booking. But, they found that these EAs lacked the context and proactivity for complex tasks leaving founders still managing too much and ineffectively.

  • Distributing Tasks Across the Team: Others spread the admin work across their existing staff which, naturally, frustrated their team and distracted them from their core goals. Overloading the team or themselves was a default option, but not a good one.
  • Adding Another Software Tool: Some founders invested in new software for a quick fix. But, as expected, setting up and learning new systems often created more work, especially when they didn't integrate well with existing tools.

AI-powered services offer founders and operators a cost-effective alternative to hiring new staff, delivering essential admin support without the burden of additional overhead. This alone can save businesses thousands annually, freeing up capital for growth-focused areas like marketing or product development.

And when the business is ready for its next hire, it allows for a more strategic, thoughtful decision—bringing on the right person with the resources to train and retain them properly, rather than rushing to fill a gap in a crush then fighting fires afterwards.

2. Automate Time-Consuming Tasks

Tasks like managing invoices, chasing payments, and tracking government business regulations are perfect candidates for automation. For example, Vera’s AI-powered services can handle these jobs faster and more accurately than a human team ever could.

Automation doesn’t just save time—it minimizes human error, ensures deadlines are met, and guarantees that tasks are completed on time. With automation, nothing slips through the cracks.

Can the entire process be automated? Yes and no.

Even with automation, it's crucial to have someone overseeing these operations to make sure all the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted. But handing over the bulk of the busywork to technology, and having it surface for final review or approval, is far better than spending your evenings or weekends doing it all yourself.

3. Improve Cash Flow

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, essential for a sustainable, long-term survival and growth. Poor cash flow management leads to missed opportunities, strained vendor relationships or even the failure of the business.

A major culprit that unnecessarily chokes cash flow is late payments.

Even though part of the issue is relatively straightforward to fix, it causes widespread problems for most SMBs. We looked at some statistics:

When the route to get there feels simple, why is following up on payments such a problem for SMBs?

13% of businesses say they lack the resource to chase payments.

The alternative to hiring more staff to handle late payments is to use an AI agent or service.AI-powered solutions like Vera's Invoice Manager track and chase payments automatically, ensuring you never have to scramble or stress over late payments again. With proactive cash flow management, the risk of late payments is significantly reduced.

The best part? It’s fully automated. Turn it on and forget about it—no need to hire additional staff or worry about increasing overhead.

4. Avoid Costly Compliance Mistakes

Government filings and compliance are tricky areas where small mistakes can lead to big penalties. One tech startup founder shared how they almost missed a crucial tax filing deadline, which would have resulted in a significant fine.

“We didn’t realize the deadline was approaching until one of our team members flagged it at the last minute. We had to scramble, pull the team together, and work late into the night to get it done.”

In the future, AI services like Vera could eliminate these last-minute scrambles. Instead of relying on a team member to catch deadlines, Vera's Government Obligations Manager would track regulatory requirements, flag upcoming filings and ensure everything is handled on time—saving you from stress, late nights and costly penalties.

Upside and ROI

Let’s put this into perspective with some numbers.

Say your business has 20 employees and you’re spending $50,000 annually on salaries for an admin team to handle tasks like invoicing, compliance, and payroll. That doesn’t even factor in additional expenses like benefits, training, or the inevitable inefficiencies that come with manual processes.

Now, imagine slashing those admin costs by up to 70% with an AI service like Vera. AI would take over the repetitive, time-consuming work, freeing up your team and drastically reducing overhead.

Instead of spending on routine, low-level tasks, you could redirect those savings into real growth drivers—like expanding your product line, ramping up your marketing efforts or hiring specialized talent that directly fuels your business revenue.

How To Unlock Savings and Growth: Turn Admin Costs into Opportunities

The cost savings from AI services like Vera are just the start. By automating back-office tasks, you not only save time but also free up your team’s mental bandwidth, allowing them to focus on higher-value work—innovation, growth and building stronger customer relationships.

Long term, businesses that embrace automation will be more resilient and agile and, better positioned to scale sustainably. 

  • Hiring Costs: Instead of spending $46,000 per year on additional admin staff, Vera costs a fraction of that. These savings give you the flexibility to invest strategically—whether it’s hiring specialized talent, expanding into new markets, or developing new products.
  • Time Savings: Vera can automate tasks that currently take up to 40% of your employees' time. Multiply those saved hours across your team, and the reduction in wasted effort equates to tens of thousands of dollars in productivity gains.
  • Opportunity Cost: With admin tasks offloaded to AI, your team can now focus on driving growth—securing new customers, entering new markets, or optimizing operations. The ROI here isn’t just in cost savings, but in the potential revenue gained—something every SMB owner, senior operator or - in the future - investor understands and values.

Summary: Invest in AI, Invest in Growth

Administrative work is crucial to keeping a business running smoothly, but it doesn’t have to drain your time, resources or budget.

By integrating AI-powered admin services like Vera, your SMB can save thousands in operational costs, increase efficiency, and give your team the freedom to focus on what really drives growth.

Ready to cut back-office admin from your budget? Join the waitlist for Vera.

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