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SMBs x AI: How To Manage Admin Without a Fraction of the Cost

September 24, 2024
Vera - SMBs x AI: How To Manage Admin Without a Fraction of the Cost

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No Budget for new hires? Explore strategies that manage it for you—without the expense.

For many startups and SMBs, handling the growing demands of back-office admin tasks is a constant challenge. Hiring more staff to help sounds like an obvious solution—but the costs associated with salaries, benefits, and onboarding make it difficult for most SMBs to justify.

On average, hiring new admin talent costs companies around $50,000 annually, making it a steep investment for businesses focused on growth and tight budgets.

So, what do founders do when they can’t afford to bring on new full-time staff but still urgently need support with the mounting burden of admin?

In our previous article, we highlighted several stopgap measures that early Vera customers tried before they found us.

TLDR; This article breaks down the common alternatives founders try (and why they fall short) while exploring how AI-powered services like Vera can provide a smarter, more cost-effective solution.

1. Founder DIY: The Fast Track to Burnout

When resources are tight, many founders feel like they have no choice but to tackle admin tasks themselves. At first, it might seem doable—after all, who knows the business better than the founder?But pretty soon, that DIY approach becomes overwhelming. You’re not just running the company anymore—you’re buried in paperwork, tax filings, invoicing, and compliance. These tasks are crucial but incredibly time-consuming, pulling you away from your true role: growing your business. Every minute spent on admin is time not spent on strategy, innovation, or building customer relationships. DIY admin isn’t sustainable if you’re serious about scaling. AI services like Vera can take these tasks off your plate, giving you the operational support you need so you can focus on what you do best—leading your business forward.

2. Outsourcing to VAs: Limited Effectiveness

Outsourcing to offshore virtual assistants (VAs) is a decent go-to solution for many resource-strapped, scaling startups and SMBs businesses. On paper, it sounds perfect—hire someone remotely at a lower cost to tackle admin tasks. And for simple, repetitive jobs like booking travel or managing calendars, VAs can be a good fit.But here’s where things often go sideways: once you get into more complex tasks, like tracking compliance, managing vendor agreements, or handling invoices, many founders realize that VAs don’t have the context or initiative to get the job done efficiently. Suddenly, you're spending more time training, supervising, and managing them than you anticipated—basically trading one admin headache for another.That’s where AI-powered services like Vera are a better solution. Unlike VAs, AI doesn’t need hand-holding or endless oversight. Vera’s AI-driven services are designed to handle even the more complex tasks on their own—so you can focus on growing your business, not micromanaging admin.

3. Delegating Admin: Overloading The Team

Another common tactic for SMBs is to spread the admin workload across the existing team. On paper, it sounds like a quick fix—everyone chips in, and problem solved, right?In reality, it’s a recipe for frustration. The smart, driven people you hired to focus on sales, product development, or customer support now find themselves buried in admin tasks. Instead of moving the business forward, they’re stuck chasing invoices or sorting through emails. Productivity drops, motivation fades, and their real strengths are wasted.The bottom line? Using your top talent for low-level admin tasks is a massive waste of resources. You brought them on for their enthusiasm and expertise, not to get bogged down or burnt out through paperwork. This is where AI services like Vera come in—taking over the routine tasks so your team can stay focused on what they do best, driving growth and making a real impact.

You hired your best talent for their expertise, not to spend hours sorting emails or managing invoices.

4. Adding More Software: Integration Nightmares

When SMBs are overwhelmed by admin work, one of the first reactions is to look for a software tool to solve the problem. While there are plenty of options out there, adding more software to your business stack can create more headaches than it solves.Many tools require significant setup time and ongoing maintenance. And if they don’t integrate well with your existing systems, they create data silos and inefficiencies. What’s more, the learning curve for your team can be steep, and if the tool isn’t intuitive, it can actually slow them down.With AI-powered services like Vera, integration is seamless. Vera connects with the back-office software you already use—like accounting platforms or HR systems—and works in the background to automate admin tasks without requiring manual input or constant supervision. The result? Less time spent on setup and more time focused on growing the business.

5. The Smarter, Scalable Alternative: AI Services

Instead of relying on temporary fixes that don’t get the job fully you can bring on a virtual admin team that needs no training, works around the clock and smoothly scales with your business—at a fraction of the cost.

That’s exactly what AI-powered services like Vera offer. By automating tedious, time-consuming tasks like invoicing, compliance management, and email prioritization, Vera allows SMBs to operate more efficiently without the overhead of new hires. Here’s how this translates into real savings for your business:

  • Reduced payroll expenses: Vera eliminates the need for additional full-time admin staff, saving you thousands of dollars annually.
  • Increased productivity: By automating routine tasks, your team can focus on high-value activities that drive growth.
  • Seamless scaling: As your business grows, Vera scales with you—without the headaches of hiring, onboarding, or training new employees.

When your business reaches a point where hiring becomes necessary, it can be done strategically, with the focus on roles that directly contribute to business growth—not just firefighting administrative chaos.

The Bottom Line: Invest in Efficiency, Not Overhead

  • Scalability: AI-powered admins handle a large volume of tasks—such as sorting emails, tracking invoices, and completing forms—at a fraction of the cost of multiple admin staff. They grow seamlessly with your business, whether you're expanding from 10 to 100 employees.
  • 24/7 Operation: Unlike people who need breaks and time off from repetitive, boring tasks, AI-powered admins power through paperwork around the clock.
  • Consistent Compliance: AI can automatically track regulatory deadlines and compliance requirements. Because it's automated, it flags changes and can proactively alert you when something affects your business. It also tracks your specific due dates and proactively reminds you of upcoming obligations to make sure nothing crucial slips through the cracks.
  • Cost Efficiency: The choice between bursting budgets or burning out staff is a constant
    balancing act. With an AI service, overhead costs can stay stable or get significantly reduced.

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